Environmental Testing Laboratory
We are your reliable partner for testing services
in the field of environmental simulation.
DAUtec offers tests according to industry-specific specifications or according to individual specifications in the areas of environmental simulation and electromagnetic compatibility. In addition, we offer mechanical load testing of components in the HASS/HALT test chamber.
Our specialised laboratories have all the necessary facilities to carry out tests in accordance with the regulations of the generally known standards and specifications - e.g. for on-board equipment in accordance with RTCA/DO-160 and/or MIL-STD-810.
Our specialised laboratories have all the necessary facilities to carry out tests in accordance with the regulations of the generally known standards and specifications - e.g. for on-board equipment in accordance with RTCA/DO-160 and/or MIL-STD-810.
We offer the following tests in our environmental laboratories:
Environmental Temperature
Fluids Susceptibility
Smoke Density
Fluids Susceptibility
Smoke Density
Crash Safety
Salt Fog
Fungus Resistance
Sand and Dust
EMC Magnetic Effect
Salt Fog
Fungus Resistance
Sand and Dust
EMC Magnetic Effect
Power Input
Voltage Spike
Radio Frequency Susceptibility
Electrostatic Discharge
Fire Flammability
and others
Voltage Spike
Radio Frequency Susceptibility
Electrostatic Discharge
Fire Flammability
and others
Learn more about the test procedures

Shock and vibration tests
Shock and vibration tests are carried out on the vibration table (shaker) of our environmental laboratory. These simulate mechanical loads to which aviation equipment is exposed during its use in flight profiles. These include vibrations that occur, for example, in engines, as well as shocks and impacts that occur during take-off and landing or during a crash.
For both types of stress, the impact on the entire aircraft is global rather than local. As a result, depending on the aircraft type and installation location of the device, different levels and courses of stress can be identified. These are simulated by the shaker.
The main physical parameters for vibration tests are the frequency range and acceleration, and for shock and shock tests the parameters acceleration, pulse duration and shock profile. The shock and vibration tests are carried out as part of an approval qualification. They prove that the tested device can withstand the stresses of aviation without impairing its function.
The main physical parameters for vibration tests are the frequency range and acceleration, and for shock and shock tests the parameters acceleration, pulse duration and shock profile. The shock and vibration tests are carried out as part of an approval qualification. They prove that the tested device can withstand the stresses of aviation without impairing its function.

Temperature & Humidity Tests
Temperature and humidity tests are carried out in the climate chamber of our environmental laboratory. These simulate thermal and climatic loads to which aviation equipment is exposed during operation in various climatic zones and weather conditions.
Temperature fluctuations of approx. 100 K (+40°C on the ground and -55°C at flight altitude) are not uncommon during scheduled flight operations in hot regions. Temperature variation tests simulate these environmental conditions. Another challenge is the combination of high temperature and high humidity, as occurs in tropical regions. These conditions are simulated in Humidity Tests.
The temperature and humidity tests are part of an approval qualification and serve as proof that the tested devices function perfectly even under the demanding environmental conditions of aviation.
The temperature and humidity tests are part of an approval qualification and serve as proof that the tested devices function perfectly even under the demanding environmental conditions of aviation.

Fluids Susceptibility Test
Depending on where it is used in an aircraft, a component comes into contact with a wide variety of liquids. These include cleaning agents and beverages in the cabin, but also oils and hydraulics, for example in the landing gear area. In the area of the wings, components can come into contact with kerosene or de-icing agents, among other things.
The Fluids Susceptibility Test is carried out to check the compatibility with the above and other agents (liquids). Either entire devices or only their materials are tested in the form of material samples. These tests are carried out either as spray tests or, if necessary, as immersion tests at partly different temperatures of the liquids. Storage during or after the tests at a temperature of +65 °C ensures a higher possible influence.
The Fluids Susceptibility Test is carried out to check the compatibility with the above and other agents (liquids). Either entire devices or only their materials are tested in the form of material samples. These tests are carried out either as spray tests or, if necessary, as immersion tests at partly different temperatures of the liquids. Storage during or after the tests at a temperature of +65 °C ensures a higher possible influence.

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
The developments in the electronics industry, which have increased strongly in recent years, are making themselves felt in aviation. Passengers expect a wide range of communication and entertainment electronics, especially on board modern passenger aircraft. As a result, modern aircraft cabins contain not only electronic systems that are necessary for flight, but also more and more devices that exclusively ensure passenger comfort. Such devices must therefore be subjected to electromagnetic compatibility tests (EMC) as part of the aeronautical certification process.
In our environmental laboratory, a complete area has been set up specifically for EMC tests. It has an absorber chamber as well as a series of test devices which are necessary for carrying out the required tests according to RTCA DO-160, among others.
In our environmental laboratory, a complete area has been set up specifically for EMC tests. It has an absorber chamber as well as a series of test devices which are necessary for carrying out the required tests according to RTCA DO-160, among others.

HASS and HALT are increasingly used in aviation. Their advantage lies in the short-term nature of the results. Within only a few days, knowledge about a product can be gained that would otherwise only be available after lengthy individual environmental tests.
The Highly Accelerated Life Test (HALT) is a test method originally developed for the automotive industry. During a HALT test, thermal and multi-axial mechanical loads are simultaneously applied to a component, resulting in artificially accelerated ageing. The HALT test is therefore ideally suited for early detection of weak points in the design of electronic components. Depending on the test equipment, the HALT test can be individually adapted to the products.
The Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS) stress test is performed on the product ready for series production. It is carried out on the basis of the results of the HALT tests and is intended to ensure that the defects detected with the HALT test have been eliminated.
The Highly Accelerated Life Test (HALT) is a test method originally developed for the automotive industry. During a HALT test, thermal and multi-axial mechanical loads are simultaneously applied to a component, resulting in artificially accelerated ageing. The HALT test is therefore ideally suited for early detection of weak points in the design of electronic components. Depending on the test equipment, the HALT test can be individually adapted to the products.
The Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS) stress test is performed on the product ready for series production. It is carried out on the basis of the results of the HALT tests and is intended to ensure that the defects detected with the HALT test have been eliminated.